Advantage of Vertical fins
• Vertical fins enhance the architectural appearance of the building structure.
• It’s an inexpensive alternative as compared to other materials.
• It Allows significant amount of light in the building while reducing direct heat absorption in the building structure, thereby Protecting pipes and ducts against the ill effects of direct sunlight.
• Can be installed in new or existing building.
• Creates a visual block yet allow passage of cool air thereby reducing energy cost.
- Vertical Fins are screening systems which is useful in building when faced with particular problems as they are often an affordable option with lightweight construction. Screens can be used to obscure unwanted buildings or objects to create it more aesthetically pleasing. Lower the effect of solar glare whilst allowing light in to the building.
- There are many different reasons to control the amount of sunlight that is admitted into a building. • In warm, sunny climates excess solar gain may result in high cooling energy consumption; • in cold and temperate climates winter sun entering south-facing windows can positively contribute to passive solar heating; • and in nearly all climates controlling and diffusing natural illumination will improve day lighting.
- Reduce elements entering the building in harsh weather conditions whilst allowing a constant airflow in to the building preventing build up of toxic fumes in buildings like car parks. Even for a security reason to prevent un authorised persons entering premises whilst not making it look like a prison and still maintaining security.